Human Rights Day 10th December 2010
Calling one and all
Mass People's Assembly in celebration and support of "Human Rights"
Unite as ONE on this day. Make your voices heard.
Let us exercise our right to freedom of speech and peaceful demonstration We are calling all people to join us in free and peaceful demonstration to celebrate this day "Human Rights Day".
The public assembly will begin at 12 Noon outside number 10 Downing Street in Whitehall, Westminster, London SW1.
This is an autonomous event and all are asked to maintain the peace and equilibrium in the spirit of celebration.
We do not want to pay for the mistakes of the bankers; we do not want the self elected quango government and councils to decide on unjust and repressive cuts. We want free education, we want better health care, we want job security, and we want affordable, available housing. We want real reform. We want the banks to be ordered to give their bonus money back, and pay back the money lent to them from the public's purse. We want vodafone to pay its taxes. We want real proportional representation where all votes are counted. We want war criminals to be brought to book. We want fully transparent public consultations on all things that affect the people.
Government and councils decisions should be held to account by the people. We want our government to begin bringing troops home from illegal wars, we want fair taxes with a say in how those taxes are spent by any government. We want civil rights upheld. We want human rights respected and recognized. We are the people Please take a moment to read the "People's Charter" at the following link, thanks, here's to a world of change recent parliamentry statement 1114 HUMAN RIGHTS DAY 2010 1:12:10 Fabian Hamilton Andrew George Peter Bottomley Jim Shannon Jonathan Edwards Jim Dobbin * 8 Mr Mark Williams Mr Alan Meale That this House on the occasion of Human Rights Day on 10 December 2010, commends the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo for his unceasing non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights and democracy in China; notes and further commends the release of Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi; condemns the rise of arbitrary arrest and detention of intellectuals in China, Tibet and East Turkestan; urges the Chinese government to uphold the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to release immediately Liu Xiaobo and all prisoners of conscience; and encourages the Government publicly to support Charter 08, co-authored by Liu Xiaobo and signed by 300 Chinese intellectuals, which will bring about freedom, human rights and democracy for all the people of China, Tibet and East Turkestan.

The People’s Charter
The 26 Points
1. We the People are demanding The law of the land apply within parliament with a fully transparent and a just system favouring democracy of the people, whereby the government and police are held to account for their actions against the people.
2. We the People are demanding that members of parliament appointed and acting on behalf of the people shall have no other vested interest other than that of the people.
3. We the People are demanding an end to injustice.
4. We the People are demanding an end to illegal wars.
5. We the People are demanding banks give their bonus money back and return monies borrowed from the public purse.
6. We the People are demanding that all Mp's pay back their expenses claims, any members who are shown to have claimed more than 10,000 in any one year will be sacked unless just cause can be shown as to why it was so excessive.
7. We the People are demanding that banks stop operating as high profit businesses, and stop investing in non sustainable assets. Furthermore that 50% of their gross profits will be directly reinvested to benefit all people and the environment.
8. We the People are demanding an end to mortgages.
9. We the People are demanding access to affordable houses and housing for all
10. We the People are demanding all taxes that are raised from petrol and diesel will be invested in renewable energy
11. We the People are demanding all taxes raised from motorists will be used to invest in cheap affordable green transport.
12. We the People are demanding where public monies are spent, or public assets are sold, full and transparent consultation will take place with the people and in favour of the people's needs and wishes.
13. We the People are demanding that all future investments of public funds will be for the benefit of all people and the environment
14. We the People are demanding an end to corporate control.
15. We the People are demanding an end to oil exploration
16. We the People are demanding an end to Poverty
17. We the People are demanding that a cap be set on maximum wages, whereby people earning over £100,000 a year will be taxed at 100% on anything above that thresh hold.
18. We the People are demanding that all businesses with a gross profit exceeding 1 million pounds must show that the rest is invested in sustainable growth, or given to the treasury to be reinvested in the country.
19. We the People are demanding that all revenues taken in taxes will be just and fair, furthermore that these taxes will be used to benefit all people and the environment.
20. We the People are demanding investment and a realistic holistic approach to all self sustainable environmental innovations and practices.
21. We the People are demanding jobs for now and the future
22. We the People are demanding a free education for all
23. We the People are demanding an end to Homelessness.
24. We the People are demanding investment into renewable energies
25. We the People are demanding all industry becomes green, investing in sustainable holistic practices including green energy, methods in sourcing, production and the recycling products from start to finish.
26. We the People are demanding an end to nuclear energy