Tuesday, 25 January 2011

The People's Constitutional Charter

Use your voice to make a degree of difference

To us it would Initially seems that a majority citizens of Great Britain would have to agree to the first three underlying principles of the People's charter in order to facilitate and endorse the remaining 23 points
All points raised are evaluations and are open to dialogue, suggestions, and additions
also in what order they should be placed.

To us the major issues that would need to be addressed first in order to allow the following, is that of transparency & accountability

The People’s CharterThe 26 Points

1. The common law of the land apply within parliament with a fully transparent and a just system favouring democracy of the people, whereby the government and police are held to account for their actions against the people.

2. That members of parliament appointed and acting on behalf of the people shall have no other vested interest other than that of the people.

3. An end to injustice.

4. An end to unlawful wars.

5. Banks return all bonus money and immediately return monies borrowed from the public purse. Further to this all people's monies will be restored to people's banks, with the power to control money being put back into the hands of the people.

6. That all Mp's pay back their expenses claims, any members who are shown to have claimed more than 10,000 in any one year will be sacked unless just cause can be shown as to why it was so excessive.

7. That banks stop operating as high profit businesses, and stop investing in non sustainable assets. Furthermore that 50% of their gross profits will be directly reinvested to benefit all people and the environment.

8. An end to mortgages.

9. Access to affordable houses and housing for all.

10. All taxes that are raised from petrol and diesel will be invested in renewable energy.

11. All taxes raised from motorists will be used to invest in cheap affordable green transport.

12. Where public monies are spent, or public assets are sold, full and transparent consultation will take place with the people and in favour of the people's needs and wishes.

13. That all future investments of public funds will be for the benefit of all people and the environment.

14. An end to corporate control.

15. An end to oil exploration.

16. An end to Poverty.

17. That a cap be set on maximum wages, whereby people earning over £100,000 a year will be taxed at 100% on anything above that thresh hold.

18. That all businesses with a gross profit exceeding 1 million pounds must show that the rest is invested in sustainable growth, or given to the treasury to be reinvested in the country.

19. That all revenues taken in taxes will be just and fair, furthermore that these taxes will be used to benefit all people and the environment.

20. Investment and a realistic holistic approach to all self sustainable environmental innovations and practices.

21. Jobs for now and the future.

22. Free education for all.

23. An end to Homelessness.

24. Investment into renewable energies.

25. All industry becomes green, investing in sustainable holistic practices including green energy, methods in sourcing, production and the recycling products from start to finish.

26. An end to nuclear energy.

We as free people must not pull back from seeking the truth and consistency in any plans concerning our race, the planet and its species.
If we look at the world, we are all sharing it as the whole, the one, and, at present, there is no other.
The bottom line is, you cannot get off.

It is each and everyone's responsibility to ensure that industry, Governments and corporate's do not destroy the environment and species any more.
There are no excuses for the wanton destruction of the planet, it's species and habitats to date.

You/we/I have only to look to see the massive environmental damage that big companies and governments have already created with their insatiable greed and their need for cash, control of people, energy and resources.
The truth is they must be stopped from destroying any further.

Alternative energy is not a fantasy, there is an inexhaustible amount of information readily available.
Conservation of energy must also be fully realized, utilized and practiced.
Do not be fooled into thinking bio fuels, or hydro electric dams are an answer.
They serve no sustainable purpose, resulting once again in the destruction of habitats and the displacement of wildlife and indigenous people's.

As a race, we must not allow any to destroy our environment.
We must not allow corporate, industry, or regimes to force us to be separated from interacting with our environment.

Nuclear power is a demon seed with nuclear waste having a half life of 25,000 years.
This means that it will still be 100% toxic to all forms of cellular life in 25,000 years time.
Chernobyl in Russia and Fukushima (a curse to catch attention) in Japan have shown that no nuclear power plants are 100% safe, and once an accident happens, the species and environmental impact is both far reaching and devastating.
Chernobyl and Fukushima must be taken as direct reasons for discontinuing the use of atomic energy,

People must pluck the sickness of greed and corruption from their Nations
You only get one chance, make that chance, one of a future for all People, species and planet.

People must expose and oppose tyrants, regimes and oppressors and those who commit crimes against peace, genocide, and ecocide. Everyone is on the same Planet, we need to acknowledge that we are also on the same page in our History and Future.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

EMA Students Rally against cuts London 19th January 2011

All children’s futures are at risk

Risk assessment;

Job cuts, EMA cuts http://righttowork.org.uk/2011/01/students-march-against-ema-cuts Education cuts, lack of investment into future jobs for the people.
Excessive unaffordable house prices, the lack of social housing, coupled with over priced rents charged by landlords, low wages, 20% VAT, Poll Tax ( where’s the community in that charge?)
The continued dilution of the NHS, with private health companies hiring NHS operating theatres leading to private companies competing for space and time with NHS patients. The NHS belongs to the people it is the people’s right to access the best health care.
The sale of the people’s lands is a very worrying development, with forests being sold throughout England to the highest bidders, open to foreign investment and private companies.

These forests are part of our heritage

Soaring interest rates yet to come.

Every year the people are paying out more and more to councils, government, private firms and the like, whilst getting less and less in return for their efforts.
And the public’s assets continue to be sold off without referendum or consultation with the people.
We are not dogs who sit by a masters table waiting for scraps whilst the wealth of the families and lands are being sold off along with integrity and honour.

The actions of these elitists is against the people and therefore unacceptable, and if any Royalty want the full support of the people, then it is their duty to give light to such things and openly denounce this unjust self imposed government where quango leaders insist on handing to the people an unfair and unjust system where children’s future’s along with so many others are so blatantly being smashed up and destroyed.
It is as clear as the light of day that those who profess to be in power do not have the people’s best interests at heart. We must remember that the true power is with the People
We are rational people with the hearts of lions.
We all know the truth of what exactly is going on within our country.
This great injustice forced upon us.
It is “Now Time” the time for all of Britain United to say NO under one umbrella. This daylight robbery and unaccountability to the people by politicians, government officials, Law Lords, councils and the banks cannot be allowed to betray both people and country.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Things that concern you

Things that concern you

Wednesday 19th January 2011: March on Parliament, assemble 4pm Picadilly
Protests and NUS day of action across the country

On Wednesday 19th January, MPs will debate the abolition of the Education Maintenance Allowance.

So many existing students would not have been able to study without EMA; now it has already been closed to new applicants and could soon be scrapped altogether.

Students have already begun protesting to defend EMA, with a day of action in December and determined demonstrations this week in cities from Leeds to Truro. And after MPs voted to raise tuition fees last term, university students are organising to put to the test the French slogan: “What Parliament does, the streets can undo”.

Starting with an NUS day of action and a fantastic London-wide rally on Tuesday, followed by a march on Parliament and nationwide protests on Wednesday: let’s remind the government’s education wreckers that our movement is more determined than ever in 2011.

by educationactivistnetwork



The entries below are from Parliament web site at this link;
1257 KETTLING 11:1:11
Katy Clark
John McDonnell
Caroline Lucas
Kelvin Hopkins
Lisa Nandy
Mrs Linda Riordan
* 22
Kate Hoey
That this House is concerned about the use of kettling as a police tactic against demonstrators in the United Kingdom; expresses serious concern that in recent demonstrations individuals, including minors, have been indiscriminately kettled by police for up to nine hours without food, appropriate facilities or access to medical assistance for those who require it and have been refused the right to leave; notes that a number of individuals have suffered very serious injuries, such as bleeding to the brain, as a result of police action during recent kettles; believes this kettling to be an infringement of the fundamental right to peaceful protest; and calls on the Government to take steps to stop this practice.
1276 POVERTY RATES 13:1:11
Kate Green
Mr David Winnick
Caroline Lucas
Rosie Cooper
Mr Tom Clarke
Mr Andrew Love
* 43
Mr Dennis Skinner Jonathan Edwards Kelvin Hopkins
Dr William McCrea Graeme Morrice John McDonnell
Mr Alan Meale
That this House notes with concern the analysis by the Institute of Fiscal Studies that shows the Government's fiscal plans will increase poverty among children and working age adults on both an absolute and relative basis in 2012-13 and 2013-14; believes that the brunt of the Government's plans to eliminate the deficit in four years by cutting benefits and increasing value added tax is being borne by those on the lowest incomes; and calls on the Government to bring forward plans to ensure its child poverty targets are met and that absolute and relative poverty among children and adults will fall in each year of the Spending Review period.
The following 2 pieces seem to contradict each other, the first 1246 calling for freedom of speech, the latter 1247, calling for a big brother control system. What do you think?

Mr Tom Watson
Sir Peter Bottomley
Albert Owen
Tom Blenkinsop
Martin Caton
Mr Alan Meale
* 16
Kelvin Hopkins Kate Hoey
That this House expresses its deep concern about the Tunisian government's repressive approach to online censorship and freedom of expression; notes that the Committee to Protect Journalists has clear evidence to suggest that the Tunisian authorities are responsible for an increasing number of large-scale phishing operations on its citizens and denial of service attacks in that country; further notes with concern that a number of leading journalists have had their Gmail, Facebook, Hotmail and Yahoo accounts hacked and online content to which the Tunisian authorities do not agree deleted; and calls on the Government to make representations to its Tunisian counterparts about the importance of online freedom of expression and greater media plurality.

Mr Tom Watson
Mark Durkan
Ms Margaret Ritchie
Albert Owen
Martin Caton
Mr Alan Meale
* 12
Kelvin Hopkins
That this House expresses its deep concern about the Government's proposal, contained within the Strategic Defence and Security Review, to develop an interception modernisation programme; notes that such a programme would include a proposal to store every email, webpage visit and telephone call made in the UK for an unspecified period; further notes that the Home Office has previously estimated that such a database would cost in the region of £2 billion to develop; believes that the development of an interception modernisation programme raises serious privacy, data storage and access concerns; and calls on the Government to issue a full public consultation on its proposals as soon as possible.

Caroline Lucas
John McDonnell
* 2
That this House opposes the Government's proposal to begin publishing school league performance tables for England's five year olds on a school by school basis; believes that such an unprecedented development puts both young children and their teachers, parents and carers under unwarranted stress that is distinctly unhelpful, especially for children at such a tender age; further believes such tables to be divisive and unnecessary; and calls on the Government to abandon its plans to expose young children and their schools to the pressures of the league table system.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The plight of your local firebrigade?
Support you local fire brigade

John Cryer
John McDonnell [R]
Ian Lavery
Jim Dobbin
Mr Dennis Skinner
Albert Owen
* 14
Kelvin Hopkins

That this House notes with alarm the threat to sack all London firefighters made by Brian Coleman, the Chairman of the London Fire Authority; and further notes with concern Mr Coleman's threat to abolish the right of London Assembly Members to question him.

[R] Relevant interest declared

Mr Alan Meale
Sir Peter Bottomley
Andrew George
Mark Durkan
Ms Margaret Ritchie
Ian Lavery
* 29
Mr Mark Williams Kelvin Hopkins Mark Tami
That this House applauds the magnificent work carried out by local citizens advice bureaux, their staff and volunteers throughout the UK who unstintingly give support and free advice to those in need of their services; and believes that the current economic recession will greatly increase the requirement for such help and that any Government actions which may thwart such worthy endeavours would be in direct contradiction to the concept of a Big Society.
Environmental impact from pollutants

1264 HONEY BEES 12:1:11
Jim Shannon
Mr Nigel Dodds
Mr Gregory Campbell
David Simpson
Kelvin Hopkins
Mark Durkan
* 19
Keith Vaz Katy Clark Dr William McCrea
Mark Tami John McDonnell Mr Alan Meale
That this House notes the rapid decline of the honey bee population in the United Kingdom and understands the tremendous adverse effect that this will have in pollination and subsequently food production; and urges the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to ascertain the numbers of the honey bee population, consult those producing the new pesticide aimed at killing the varroa mite that has decimated the honey bees and set aside money to support projects which increase the honey bee population as a matter of urgency.

Martin Caton
Mark Durkan
Sir Peter Bottomley
Stephen Williams
Glenda Jackson
Mr Mike Hancock
* 9
Jeremy Corbyn John McDonnell Mr Alan Meale
That this House is gravely concerned by the contents of a recently leaked memo from the the US Environment Protection Agency whose scientists warn that bees and other non-target invertebrates are at risk from a new neonicotinoid pesticide and that tests in the US approval process are insufficient to detect the environmental damage caused; acknowledges that these findings reflect the conclusions of a 2009 `Buglife' report that identified similar inadequacies in the European approval regime with regard to neonicotinoids; notes reports that bee populations have soared in four European countries that have banned these chemicals; and therefore calls on the Government to act urgently to suspend all existing approvals for products containing neonicotinoids and fipronil pending more exhaustive tests and the development of international methodologies for properly assessing the long-term effects of systemic pesticides on invertebrate populations.
Jonathan Edwards
Mr Elfyn Llwyd
Hywel Williams
John McDonnell
Sir Peter Bottomley
* 5
That this House expresses deep concern at reports that 55 footballers in the United Kingdom are exploiting tax loopholes to avoid paying the appropriate level of tax on their earnings; notes that estimates of annual UK tax avoidance and evasion range from £42 billion from HM Revenue and Customs to £130 billion from the PCS union; believes that tax avoidance has a negative impact on the community by creating a lack of available funds for better community services and an increased tax burden for those who are paying their way legitimately; further notes that these footballers are heroes to many but are paid salaries and have additional earnings which are outside the realms of imagination for the overwhelming majority of their devoted fans and are disappointed that oft-expressed concern for fans is not replicated by their actions; expresses further concern that, according to a recent Christian Aid report, 25 UK football clubs are owned offshore; and calls on the UK Government to block this and other tax loopholes which are exploited by mega-rich individuals and companies which are against the principles of fair play and tax justice and to support non-profit football supporters groups in their aims to ensure community ownership of football clubs and financial transparency in the football business world.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Our Land is Not For Sale

View Save Our Forests in a larger map
